Convert US Gallon (Dry) to Fluid Ounces - 1 dry gal US to fl oz

1 US Gallon (Dry)(dry gal US) 1 dry gal US = 148.947 fl oz
148.947 Fluid Ounces (fl oz)
1 fl oz = 6.7e-03 dry gal US

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More information from the unit converter

Q:How do you convert US Gallon (Dry) to Fluid Ounces (dry gal US to fl oz)?

1 US Gallon (Dry) is equal to 148.947 Fluid Ounces. Formula to convert 1 dry gal US to fl oz is 1 * 148.94673982786003

Q:How many US Gallon (Dry) in a Fluid Ounces?

The answer is 6.7e-03 US Gallon (Dry).