Flight distance from Cancun to Saint John's

12789 kilometers/7946 miles
or 6905 nautical miles.
Your flight will depart from Cancun airport and land at Saint John's airport.
City: Cancun (CUN) Saint John's (ANU)
Latitude: 21.160556 -61.84555699999998
Longitude: -86.8475 17.117528
Country: Mexico Antigua and Barbuda
Timezone: America/Cancun America/Antigua
Current time:: 22:24 20-Sep-2024 22:24 20-Sep-2024

How far is between Cancun and Saint John's?

  • Your starting point Cancun, Mexico is located at 21.160556,-86.8475
  • Your ending point Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda is located at -61.84555699999998,17.117528
  • l distance from Cancun to Saint John's is 12789 kms equals to miles and 6905 nautical miles.
  • Flight time from Cancun to Saint John's is 38 hours 11 minutes
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